Here’s my New Moon in Taurus outcome: a decision to take care of this blog and my first tiny step was to look at the stars for all zodiac signs this month and give you a heads up of what’s coming your way. I hope you enjoy this month and take that step for a great journey! Click on the zodiac sign: Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries.
“Good things aren’t supposed to just fall into your lap. God is very generous, but He expects you to do your part first.” Audrey Hepburn (Taurus)
Dear Taurus, you have a glorious May 2019 with most of the planets in your Sign and with action and rewards all around. You have your New Moon in Taurus on the 4th of May 2019 that will bring a new beginning and be prepared for great things this year. There’s also the focus of Mars helping you with money: think about ways to earn more money and do it now, or learn a new skill that can bring this, or just be creative about it. It is just a tremendous time for money! There’s also Venus coming your way in your first house, so magnetism and love all the way! You may find love or love will just find its way to you. I always say Venus has a karmic power and will just bring good luck, good fortune or it is as simple as things will just look good. A great time to get married if this your plan! With all this action, there is some pressure to be able to communicate and express yourself better. I recommend learning some new tricks on how to convey messages in your job, your business, love life and friends. The Full Moon in Scorpio on the 18th of May 2019 will be one of the best moons of the year and there is commitment and some of you are getting engaged around this time or getting a deal signed with a business partner that can bring a lot of contracts.
“Not all treasure is silver and gold, mate!” Johnny Depp (Gemini)
Dear Gemini, Mars is in your sign at the start of this month and he didn’t have this placement for a long, long time. You now have action and a very strong sense of purpose even if this is a strange feel after such a long time. With the New Moon in Taurus on the 4th of May 2019, there is a certainly something that you are doing alone, a project or something that you are working at behind the scenes. There is a certain surprise here and you are amazed that this is actually working for you, but the reality is that you do not like this energy very much, you are just enjoying what you do have. From Mars, you can get the determination to keep things together and assume that you will win this rather lonely race. There is also a lot of action from Saturn and Pluto currently making possible for you to gain money or to find ways to earn more money. As these planets are both in retrograde motion it means that money are not coming the usual way, it is something else you must watch for, look somewhere else for this. There is treasure, mate, but be careful as things can be misleading. At the time of the Full Moon in Scorpio on the 18th of May, one of the best Moons of the year, there is a work related thing that happening: this project that you are working on just got to be top of the list.
“The great gift of human beings is that we have the power of empathy.” Meryl Streep (Cancer)
Dear Cancer, the month of May starts with a beautiful New Moon in Taurus on the 4th and this will be just what you need these days: people by your side, friends, very close human beings that will just make you happier and will take care of you and your soul. You have the power of empathy and people around you know that and love your energy. This month you will receive love and you will be grateful for this love from the universe. Mars will still be in your shadow, so there is slow motion and you actually like that, don’t you? Mars will create a bit of chaos and will enter your Sun Sign on the 15th of May and will be there until the 1st of July. Prepare for a lot of action, determination and getting things done in a very direct and aggressive way. You can get a lot done under this influence. I know that this is not your style, but the push will be there to do so. The best Full Moon of the Year is here, the Full Moon in Scorpio on the 18th of May! News or decisions or things that happen under this lunation are extremely positive, especially for you. You may decide to get married, move together, or a baby is coming soon, or you are making plans of having a baby, or you are just so happy for you and your new family! There are also creative plans or just a new idea that will blow your mind and can be put into action.
“Nothing in life that’s worth anything is easy” Barack Obama (Leo)
Dear Leo, there is a Shining in your life at this time and all your focus goes back and forth on the career front. You need your attention to details, your working strategy, your life goals, your vision all aligned as the planets to make big things happen. The energy is golden, it can be long lasting and will make you one of the pioneers of the moment. You will not seek security, but because of Saturn and Pluto transits this will just come along. I am not sure if you will be happy about all of this, but you will sure work your ass off. Uranus is here from March and will be here 7 years and Mercury and Venus will also be here, so there’s a prospect of a new job or a better job, one that allows more status, more money, more attention. Try to be patient and do not take it all at once, things can come slowly, but it can create a domino effect. At the time of the Full Moon in Scorpio on the 18th of May, the news or things related to your career are pretty clear and the Full Moon will just show you the outcome. You can just earn more money, or you understand that you need to move in order to take the new job offer. The stars are in a beautiful sync, so anything that is happening now is just what you needed or expected a long, long time.
“If you worried about falling off the bike, you’d never get on.” Lance Armstrong (Virgo)
Dear Virgo, this month has a focus on your career and your job as Mars, the planet of action and determination, will be highlighting this area! You can take a quantum leap or you can just risk a lot and this can be beneficial especially in your business. This is not your prefered way of doing things, but please be aware that things can turn out just right. You can also suddenly love what you do and be happy with the career you chose a long time ago. Investments done in learning or investing in yourself now pay off and you just love a good, old-fashioned outcome. The New Moon in Taurus on the 4th of May will just be a blessing as you will continue this influence and this path of learning, getting higher education or just starting new classes that will lay the foundation of a well paid job or just a better life for yourself. You can also travel for work or for education and this movement will be just the right kind with the right people by your side in the right places. This Moon gets the best energy from Saturn and Pluto that will offer long lasting rewards and a good foundation. Mercury will also join this part of your chart and will show you how to communicate and Venus will also make sure all her golden karma is sent to education and travel. The Full Moon in Scorpio on the 18th of May, the best Full Moon we will get this year will also invite you to travel, but this time for fun and small adventures.
“My whole philosophy is about doing, not talking” Theresa May
Dear Libra, in the words of Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Theresa May, a Libra herself, you can just start doing things for money. This month there is so much action, so much power and so many planets with an almost perfect alignment that you will just love. Think about plans of investing, loans, credit cards or anything that will make you do things with other people’s money. If you used to have a business idea, just start doing and stop thinking or talking about it. At the time of the New Moon in Taurus on the 4th of May will be just the time to start and in the words of Platon remember that the beginning is the most important part of the work. Also, pay attention to your loved one or your parents that can help you out with money and invest in your crazy business idea. Saturn and Pluto, planets that love security and know money making, are in perfect alignment with this New Moon, so chances are that these investments are going to make you more money than you think. This is a money making month as the best Full Moon of the year, that happens on the 18th of May 2019, will highlight making more money through your work. The Full Moon will be in Scorpio, a financial planet as well, so the outcome of this month is pretty amazing for you. And one more thing, Mars in Gemini will create a good planet alignment to travel to a great place and feel good!
“People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care” Theodore Roosevelt (Scorpio)
Dear Scorpio, the month opens up with a great New Moon in Taurus on the 4th of May! This new moon is aligned with Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, the stars of the year, so there is a lot of Earth Energy all around! Things are grounded and you love the determination and pace and long lasting results that come with this. Uranus is also very close to this New Moon, also in Taurus, so unexpected things can happen! There is a loving vibe to this, a partner in crime will be by your side, or you will just start a new relationship with this new handsome or crazy, beautiful woman. The thing is that you could not pick a better timing than this one! Also, you can have plans to have a baby or buy a house, or plan a big wedding or any new thing that will celebrate your love to one another. There is also seriousness and stability for the event or the plan you are making. Mars will move into Cancer this month and will spend some time here, so you can travel with your loved one or enjoy some time away from it all. You love the Cancer, watery feel, so you will be very happy under this influence. The Full Moon is in your sign, in Scorpio on the 18th of May, so you will feel that a wish is coming true and this is the best Full Moon of the year!
“It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.” Walt Disney (Sagittarius)
Dear Sagittarius, you have the New Moon in Taurus on the 4th of May that is opening the month in a positive way! Your day to day work will be beautifully impacted by this New Moon and you will love the energy. Things will just smooth around your work schedule or your colleagues and the conversations that you are having are going to be productive. Also, there’s also a good time to start a new health regime or begin cooking classes as your family will benefit for this. As this New Moon is connected to Saturn and Pluto, both in Capricorn, the results will be long lasting and that is why I say take some cooking lessons or go to the gym. Mars is in Gemini in the first part of the month, until the 15th of May and you have a good chance to sign a contract that you are waiting for or a partner will likely help! Let your partner or let the other person in the contract take the lead as Mars is very strong on the chart! There is also the feel that something impossible is about to happen with this contract or partnership, but trust the stars as this is working and it is a good alignment to it. Remember you have Jupiter in your sign and he feels very good here, so luck will favour the bold and the people who give it a try! The Full Moon in Scorpio on the 18th of May is one of the best of the year and will just give you a chance for some peace and quiet time with yourself.
“Once all struggle is grasped, miracles are possible.” Mao Zedong (Capricorn)
Dear Capricorn, or should I say, dear star of the year, I really hope you can still keep up because it is not over yet and there is a lot more coming your way! The pressure on you is immense as you have both Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. Pluto and Saturn went retrograde in April 2019 and there is a connection with somebody or someone from your past that you should consider. Don’t be afraid. This is happening for almost everybody. The most important thing is not to get stuck and keep moving forward. You can have amazing breakthroughs about yourself and this is a great time for therapy and understanding hidden gems inside you. This month as it is a very good one especially for all of the Earth Signs (you are one), will be a relaxing one. Around the New Moon in Taurus on the 4th of May treat yourself with something good, spend time with friends and your loved one and just relax! There is also a magic connection and you can meet somebody around this time and this person can change your life for good (earth energy is very stable and long lasting). If you want to have a baby, it is a great time for conception and planning this! The Full Moon in Scorpio on the 18th of May is still very happy and you will probably attend a birthday party, a wedding or just an important event from somebody very close to you. Enjoy it!
“All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.” Abraham Lincoln (Aquarius)
Dear Aquarius, here comes family! There is a lot of action at home this month for you and all your focus is somehow on the inside. The fourth house has so much going on that I am not really sure we can handle it (for those who do not know me, I am an Aquarius myself with a new Aquarius 3 months baby boy). The New Moon in Taurus on the 4th of May 2019 and all of May actually highlights anything home and family related: great time to start conversation about a new house, a new place to stay or just expanding your living. There’s so much action around this part of your life that you will actually be surprised. This is going in alignment with Uranus that entered this part of your life in March and Saturn and Pluto giving such a wonderful vibe to this new moon. Motherhood, parenting, housing are themes that are going to rule your mind and you will devote a lot of energy to all of this. I am not sure you will particularly enjoy this, but please have the patience to open up and savor these days. You do have the Full Moon in Scorpio around the 18th of May and this will bring some focus to your destiny and your life vision. Try to mix these in a way that feels comfortable for you. Mix home with work, mix parenting with vision, mix family with friends and get a sense of your life again! It is going to be different and it will take a different kind of courage, but the stars favour this, so keep a good spirit.
“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving” Albert Einstein (Pisces)
Dear Pisces, the month starts with a New Moon in Taurus on the 4th of May, a very good one that sets the stage for a great month ahead. This is the first moon in Taurus that has Uranus in Taurus as well and that means that things have a tendency to change and for you the theme is: keep moving! You need to travel short distance as much as you can and you will enjoy these moments all the way. There is also a bundle of ideas coming your ways and you love that! If you write or you are in the press, there is also a lot of action around getting out there with your message. If you need publicity or you need to appear in the newspapers, this will be a very good time. If you need to build a brand for yourself and start selling your services to the world in a single star way, you can also benefit around this time. Anything you start on this New Moon will have a good outcome and it will make you happier and more determined. There’s also money involved as Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, both financial planets, are supporting this and will create long lasting results. The Full Moon in Scorpio on the 18th of May is one of the best of the year and it can connect with your past and can also mean a final decision in your favour concerning an exam, a decision in court if this is the case. There is also travel again on the agenda, so in the words of Albert Einstein, keep your balance and keep moving!
“Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.” Vincent van Gogh (Aries)
Dear Aries, this is a great month for family matters and money combined. So take some action and start thinking about making more money for yourself, or just invest in your personal value more or just work less and ask for a better paycheck. Mars, your ruler and the planet who has the most influence on your chart will now move into Cancer and this will have a very big impact on your housing: you can buy new items, redecorate, prepare for a new member of the family, you will just invest a lot in the place you live. There’s also a lot of noise around this placement and because the North Node is also here it means that this family matter is big and it will change the way you used to live. And to be able to support this, both the New Moon in Taurus on the 4th of May 2019 and also the Full Moon in Scorpio on the 18th of May will control and dictate the need to make more money. As the New Moon will be together with Uranus, unexpected money can come your way and please let it happen and do no worry for nothing as you usually do! At the time of the Full Moon, it is a good time to talk about some perks and to first convince yourself that you deserve them. After that, go ask them from your boss! A good time for any type of investment!
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