This is a new post for my dedicated compatibility column “When Harry met Sally”. As I write this, I am very happy as my exam period for Law School is over and I have more time for myLittleAstrology. Today, I want to write a post about a couple that conquered the world. These 2 are in every history books on the planet. You’ll fall in love with them, just as I did.

Jacqueline Kennedy
Copyright (c) Celebrities Findthedata

I hope you all recognize Jacqueline Kennedy born Bouvier in the picture. Born on the 28th of July, she is an elegant, crazy beautiful, bright, curious and intelligent Leo woman. As you can see in this picture, she shines. Her father was a wealthy New York stockbroker, so she grew up as a well educated, spoiled young girl. She had the perfect life; she was well traveled and very artistic. She excelled as a student, writing frequent essays, later becoming a well respected publisher.

John F. Kennedy
Copyright (c) Wikipedia

And this man here was the 35th President of the United States, meet John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Born on the 29th of June, he is the perfect face of the Gemini man. At 43 years of age, he was the youngest to have been elected to the office. He was born in a famous family; both the Fitzgeralds and the Kennedys were wealthy and prominent. As a Gemini child, he was handsome, charming, blessed with a radiant smile and incredibly popular with his Harvard classmates. He also had a thing for women. His father realized that if the young Kennedy wanted to be a candidate for the USA, he needed a wife.

Jacqueline Kennedy and John F. Kennedy
Copyright (c) NPR

…and that is when Gemini meets Leo. They were introduced by a mutual friend, at a small dinner party. JFK later said:”I’d known a lot of attractive women in my lifetime … but of them all there was only one I could have married — and I married her.”Source: Carl Anthony. She was the perfect wife, soon to become the U.S. First Lady. They were married a year later from their first date. Soon after that, Kennedy defeated Richard Nixon by a razor-thin margin to become president of the United States. Jackie was a star in the Leo way – she turned the White House into a museum of American history and culture that would inspire patriotism and public service in those who visited. She had the typical fine Leo artistic way of turning things.  In the same time, JFK inspired all Americans to more active citizenship, he created the Peace Corps volunteers and as a skilled diplomatic Gemini he presided over a series of international crises. As a couple, they had 3 children and they became the ideal public couple for all the young people in the world. They were an icon and they inspired wealth and power.

Gemini and Leo, make a great happy couple. They get together really well as Gemini is Air and Leo is Fire and Air fuels Fire and helps it spread far and wide. Gemini loves mental stimulation and is very attracted to the dramatic, lovely spirit of Leo. They both have a lot of energy and need each other on a daily basis. Leo is ruled by the Sun and Gemini is ruled by Mercury and both planets love communication and heated debates. Leo is a great leader and that is why placed near sparkling Gemini they can inspire people and create power. Just as the famous couple.

Gemini is very flexible and Leo is rather fixed. In a way, Gemini is going to follow Leo’s style even if this is not open to the public eye. They both create this great lifestyle where they can shine and have fun. They both love to travel and enjoy friends. Leo is serious about things – following the target until he obtains what he wants and Gemini will support this. That is…as long as Leo respects Gemini’s freedom. Leo needs a lot of attention and sometimes the playful Gemini will not give as much. Don’t worry as Leo will eventually say or discover something interesting and Gemini will be right next to them when this happens. These 2 are going to get married, I tell you.

Thank you for reading!

When Gemini meets Leo
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8 thoughts on “When Gemini meets Leo

  • June 29, 2013 at 2:08 pm

    This is another really great post of yours! I hope your exams went well and I’m happy that I’ll be able to read more of your posts now! 😀
    JFK also had his Venus in Gemini, which explains all his affairs and marriages haha 😛
    Leo and Gemini make a good couple, Leo is always bright and shining and Gemini’s don’t seem to get bored easily with Leo’s which is good!
    Loved reading this! (:

    • June 29, 2013 at 2:18 pm

      Hey! Thanks for the comment!
      Hmm…didn’t know JFK had Venus in Gemini. But I had a friends once with Venus in Gemini,,,my God, he loved women!!! lol

      • June 29, 2013 at 3:55 pm

        I also have my Venus in Gemini haha, most of my friends do too, because we’re all born around the same time, but the way it works changes with their other signs, I think Gemini sun and Venus in Gemini brings out all the typical Venus in Gemini traits!
        I was going to mention that I’ve also been with a Leo girl before, but after saying I was with an Aquarius too it sounded like a lot haha 😛

        • July 1, 2013 at 10:28 am

          Hmmm… So, you are a Sun and Venus in Gemini and 17?! Well… yes, you are probably the most Gemini I have seen in a long time !
          You have been with a Leo woman and with a Aquarius one, too… let me know. Who did you get along better with ? The Aquarius or the Gemini ?
          Have a great day and again thanks for the comment !

          • July 1, 2013 at 1:33 pm

            Hahaha yeah that’s right! 😛 I just checked out my progressed natal chart and I have my Moon, Mercury and Mars in Gemini!
            That’s a hard question, I still speak to them both, I can say they’re still my close friends, the Aquarius has moved abroad but we still meet up when she comes, with the Aquarius it was something special, probably the best relationship ever including the best friendship haha 😛
            Thank you! Have a great day too!

  • July 24, 2013 at 2:30 pm

    My favourite Gemini and Leo couple are Patrick Swayze and his wife Lisa Niemi. Soulmates and they were inseperable 🙂

    • July 24, 2013 at 2:48 pm

      wow… I didn’t know about them. But now that you mentioned and I have done some research .. they are amazing together. Lovely …both of them and soo connected.

      Thanks for the comment!


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