Photo by Azrul Aziz on Unsplash

Recently I started reading about chronology. The reason is my baby boy, mainly I want to make sure his sleeping patterns are just right. If you don’t know, chronology is essentially time keeping from a biological standpoint. The body has an inner clock and that can dictate a lot of our daily rhythm and lives. And if you use this correctly, your body responds in a perfect manner. Everything is in sync. We can actually say we have done something, anything at the right time and the key here is timing! This also connects with my article for today.

Great timing for Love, Comfort and Inner Strength

This weekend and next week are under 2 incredibly healthy astrological influences:

  • Venus and Mars, the 2 great lovers, are now in Taurus and Cancer
  • Glorious Full Moon in Scorpio on the 18th of May 2019 and, the best this year!

So, this is actually a very benefic alignment that will probably make most of us smile, enjoy the ride or just connect in more profound ways than ever.

Let’s start with Venus and Mars. Love these 2 as they can definitely make things happen for all of us! Venus feels at home in Taurus and she will easily absorb all of its energy: the stability, the comfort and the magnetism. We will feel the need to get closer and closer to our lovers, skin on skin. We will find the soothing and magic feeling of home and love. Mars is in Cancer and these 2 don’t get along so well. Mars is too direct and too selfish for the nurturing Cancer and their energy is actually a non productive one, but Mars in Cancer near Venus in Taurus is a story of love and the mix is a very good one. This alignment will bring all the action to our family, our children and can also help and discover some inner strength. The pace will probably be too slow for speedy Mars and you will feel that things are stalling, but just enjoy a gentle and unrushed ride.

Dates and Timing for this Influence

This astrological influence will be in effect from the 15th of May 2019 until the 8th of June 2019. At that time, Venus will move into Gemini, so the magic bond between the 2 planets will fade away. Mars will change signs on the 1st of July 2019 and he will enter Leo. The entrance of Mars in Leo announces a very strong and challenging month (July 2019). I will write about July 2019 and its influence on all of us.

Until that time comes, the duo of Venus in Taurus and Mars in Cancer is a wonderful time to find love that can last for a very long time! Taurus, an earth sign with Cancer, a water sign creates stability and builds a great foundation. The relationship, if it is formed now, is open to a big family and children and love.

Venus and Mars in our Natal Chart

And after years of reading astrology, I have come to a wild conclusion about this pair (Venus and Mars): it’s a karmic one and I think it is the most important aspect of your natal chart. Venus is simplistically known as the “love” planet and Mars as the “war” planet, but they are so much more than that.

Venus in our natal chart opens up a karmic door into our lives, she will show you where you thrive, who you love, what you need in your life to be happy! Mars shows the power, the action, your determination, your will to survive and where your energy is invested. And these 2 together are simply magic as they connect what you love with the energy that you have. Venus and Mars are also personal planets and they move very fast, so they are very connected with who you truly are. So, if you want to interpret your natal chart, you have to know the position of these two.

Full Moon in Scorpio

The Full Moon in Scorpio on the 18th of May 2019 is one of the most intense Moons of the zodiac and it comes hand in hand with the Venus in Taurus and Mars in Cancer. Things are about to happen and you should just open your eyes and let the power in. If you let it, this energy will convert your being in order for you to gain your personal power. We are itching for a change even if we are aware of this or not. Remember that the power of this Full Moon is immense and can be quite scary.

This next week, IF someone invites you to go to an adventure, go! The stars are perfectly aligned for that and the journey will change your life as you know it. If you want to find out more about how this Full Moon will impact your Sun Sign or Ascendent, see my blog post here about May 2019.

And remember, timing is everything!

Venus, Mars and the Moon -Timing is Everything

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