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Dear Capricorn, 2013 is the Year of the Black Snake; it’s a year of discipline, steady work and slow progress. All of these things are songs to your ear as you like everything this year has to offer. Pluto is in your sign this year and that means that change, transformation will come to you concerning personality, image and self. At the end of this year you will find a totally new you. All the old habits in your life will be gone and here comes a bright new you. You have nothing to fear, because all of the changes will pave the way to such profound improvement.
Saturn, the master and most important element of astrology this year is in your solar house that relates to friendships, networking, and group associations. This year the power comes from depth and quality. You will and have to have long term goals that relate to groups or associations and these are now possible through hard work and much determination. Saturn will be there to guide your way and teach you. You are becoming more selective about how you spend your free time and with whom you do. Some friendships built on weak foundations may end at this time, but this is only for the best. So, do not worry a bit about letting go. At some point, you should begin to find ways to bring definition to your innermost wishes. Saturn will help you realize what you need to be happy and this is very good. This cycle will last till September 2015.
Jupiter is the planet of good luck, the planet that brings expansion, optimism and prosperity. Jupiter is now in a retrograde motion, but it will turn direct with full speed ahead on the 30th of January. Jupiter is in your solar house that has to do with work. Expansion and prosperity comes now from your daily job, your daily habits and how you relate to work. This is defiantly a good time for you, as you love this part of your life. Some employment opportunities are coming your way or new customers that need your skills. It is very important to know that any medical procedure that takes place with Jupiter in this house is a very fortunate one and all health methods that begin now have a great rate of success. Take care of your health as this is the time to do it. Jupiter will stay in this sector till the 25th of June; from this date on Jupiter will move in Cancer and that means the seventh house of marriage and long term relationships.
From June 2013 to July 2014, you may enjoy benefits through marriage, business partnerships, negotiations, and/or contractual agreements. It is very good if you decide to close any deal now especially one that evolves marriage or a business. The rate of success is higher than any other time. You have the power to negotiate and you can win in legal matters if this is the case for you. You are warm and energetic and you can master relationships pretty well.
Uranus, the planet of surprises, invention, independence and awakening is proudly affecting your solar house that has to do with home, family, foundations, as Uranus is in Aries. In March 2011, Uranus entered Aries and that marked the beginning of a period full with changes and innovations on the family level. In 2013, this transit will continue bringing independence and unpredictable events to the steady home that you have. Try to keep up with the irregular family life that you are now leading and understand that this is also a part of life.
In astrology, change is related to an eclipse and in 2013 we have 3 lunar eclipses and 2 solar ones. This is very important as they mark shifts in our lives; but not major ones, just incidental. These 2013 eclipses mostly fall in your solar chart that relates to romance and creativity, children and parties and friendships. The need to be appreciated by others and the need for togetherness with others will mark these eclipses. A love affair may begin or end under this influence. The year is a very good one for you as it teaches you how to cultivate true friendships. Hope you will have a lot to learn.
Have a great year ahead, dear Capricorn!