Mercury Retrograde – a highway covered with thick fog. Read about it if you have the Sun in Aries, Taurus, Gemini,Cancer, Leo, Virgo. Soon I will post the other 6 zodiac sings.

Aries in Mercury Retrograde, November 2012Aries: Mercury goes retrograde in the areas of your life that have to do with education and higher learning and other people finances. Delay is possible when it comes to taking an exam or some loans, taxes. Prepare yourself for a step back if you plan to take a loan now. Try not to make a new investment and do not rely on your loved one for support or money. This is not a time to spend a lot of money; just try to budget and control. Be very careful if you have to speak to professors or lawyers.  In Mercury retrograde periods communication is very low and misinterpretation may always find its place. Read more about what this transit means on Mercury Retro.


Taurus, Mercury Retrograde, November 2012Taurus: Mercury goes retrograde in the areas of your life that have to do with marriage and other people finances. There might be an issue with revisiting or trying to understand why an old loved has ended. It’s a good time to ask yourself and you must get some answers until the period is over on the 26th of November. This will be a good time to end a relationship that you had for good. Be careful that this may generate miscommunication with a current partner that is if you found one. There can be some delays if you need to receive loans at this time. Try not to spend money and save them or just try to calculate your savings better. Avoid investments at all costs this time. Plans may shift especially when it comes to a close partner. Try not to take decisions at this time as it is rather dangerous. Read more about what this transit means on Mercury Retro.




Gemini, Mercury Retrograde, November 2012Gemini: Mercury is your ruling planet and for you things now will just go slower. This retrograde period of Mercury is in your marriage sector and your job sector. Probably an old partner will come to visit and just see how you are. Try to settle down and talk and don’t rejuvenate the love you ones shared. On the 6th of November, Neptun will also find himself there to make a hard aspect with Mercury and it is vital to not make any announcements on this date. A misunderstanding with your partner and serious damage to your relation is possible this month. At work you will find yourself surrounded by emails, phone calls, appointments of all sorts and delays to each of them. It’s best to be super organized at this time because you can forget things or just place them somewhere not to be found. Read more about what this transit means on Mercury Retro.


Cancer, Mercury Retrograde, November 2012Cancer: Mercury is retrograde this time in your solar houses related to work and creativity. You will feel a little stuck right now, give it a little time because creative energy will come after the retrograde period has ended and that is after the 26th of November. A romance that started at the Full Moon in Taurus has a few weeks of a setback and because you have so much to do at work, you will postpone this a little.  At work, double check everything you do and every email you sent as this is not a good time for communication. As I said, Mercury Retrograde affects us all in all forms of communication. Try to avoid as much as possible detailed work that you do as this is the time where you can miss some details. Your intuition is perfect and we all know that about you; but at this time and this month don’t trust it so much. Try to review, try to see everything with new eyes especially at work and with your new romance. This is the time to reevaluate and see if things are going in the right direction.


Leo, Mercury Retrograde, November 2012Leo: Mercury will be retrograde in the areas of your life that have to do with creativity and family. Extra care should be exercised when it comes to your family and your children. Avoid signing contracts and avoid all things related to buying or going over real estate at this time. You are probably thinking about this a lot because Saturn entered hour home and family sector, as you remember. This month just take a moment to reevaluate the budget and just calculate again. If you do have a contract in your hand that has to do with selling, buying or renting a house it’s best to have a very good legal look over it. It might have issues and this is the time to find out. It’s also possible to rethink some creative projects that you have. Now you do not have so much inspiration and you just don’t know what is wrong. Blame this all on the Mercury in Retrograde because this is what is does: it slows down and it keeps us not moving forward.


Virgo, Mercury Retrograde, November 2012Virgo: Mercury will be retrograde in the area of your life that relates to day to day work and with family. Take extra care and expect delays in writing and receiving emails, legal documents and phone calls. You should feel the pressure that a lot is going on, but actually nothing gets till the end. Or you will just wait for a lot of things to happen on your day to day work. Try to be non judgmental to your family members and try to be patient and wait for better days will come. This is not a good period for communication as Mercury is the messenger. Read more about this on the Mercury Retrograde. It’s best to spend this month with detail work and avoid singing contracts and making decisions. Try to reevaluate and reassess what you have pending on your desk this month: even if it is just some important email, a big business contract or a contract for buying or selling a house. 
A highway covered with thick fog

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