november-scorpio-new-moonI have decided to take the time to write this post about the New Moon in Scorpio and about what the month of November has in store for all of us. The new moon happened on Sunday, October 30th, 2016. On October 31st, 2016, we celebrated Halloween and this marks a very special start of the week: they say the gates are open between us and the dead and we can fell a lot of energy around us. No wonder this holiday is happening during Scorpio Season.

Energy of Transformation

The New Moon in Scorpio brings some hope and some harsh decision. This is a good time to make a commitment to any of your goals, new or old. Scorpio needs transformation, cold calls, truth and digging very dip to understand what is going on. Above the surface, at water level, everything is calm and still, but a storm can emerge at any time and Scorpio New Moon is here to remind us of that and prepare us. Scorpio can keep things secret, so expect to find out some unexpected truths at this time.

Scorpio is all about energy and transformation and when we have a New Moon in Scorpio, we have a good time to be born again. As with any new moon, you have 2 weeks to fulfill the prophecy. It is key to start now because good timing is everything in astrology and I think in real life as well. It is very good to work our self-mastery skills. This marks a very good time to get rid of any kind of additions that we have as Scorpio works well with this energy. Find out what happens in your life and what caused some destructive behaviors that you have. Scorpio is a a very intense and profound sign and forces us to understand more and more each day that passes in its season. Go for the cause of you additions, focus on what is not working and what are you running from?

Nobody wants to do it – not real change, not soul change to truly become who you need to be. Nobody ever does real transformation for fun. You do it only when your back is so far against the wall that you have no choice anymore. Elizabeth Gilbert (Cancer)

A Full Moon in Taurus will happen November 14 and this marks a culmination of some sort. You need to be aware that you need comfort as much as you need transformation. Sensual needs, desire, home related aspects will come into focus now.

A visionary move

Mars is going to change signs on November 9 and the focus will now be on Aquarius! All Aquarius should unite and fight yest another crazy war for peace and liberty. Mars likes Aquarius as Mars is Fire and Aquarius is Air and they sustain each other like brothers. This aspect will support freedom and a very strong need to be able to express ourselves freely. We can feel that masses do have enormous power sometimes and this can create some chaos. We are called to change the world and make it a better place. As groups and associations of any kind will have the power that comes from Mars and we still have Uranus in Aries, than anything is possible. We must change our battle plan and adapt to the new way of doing things! This is a call to action for all of us! It is a time when initiative, open ideas, crazy ideas can turn to plans and results. Innovation will come from Aquarius and plans, results will come from Mars. Take this new, visionary move and jump!

A sneak peak in the year 2017

The end of the month is crazy and gives a sneak peak in the year to come. I am going to write more about the astrological insights for 2017 in December 2016. Jupiter in Libra will form a square to Pluto in Capricorn on the 24th of November. This is a first of a 3 series that will happen on the 30 of March 2017 and on the 9th of August 2017. This energy will be felt by all of us and especially: Libra and Capricorn. At this time we can feel we can achieve anything we put our mind to. We will be extremely ambitions and we will push harder than ever to go for what we want. In general, this would be a very good thing, but with this aspect the focus is on: exaggerating, no limits set, the need of power that can control and destroys. We will tend to look at things in a very superficial way and we may loose a lot of things along the way. Loyalty, trust, confidence, profound feelings will disappear like magic in front of higher dreams of political and business power.

Do I exaggerate? Boy, do I, and I’d do it more if I could get away with it.  David Sedaris (Capricorn)

Thank you for reading and please share if you enjoy!

New Moon in Scorpio Effect on November

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