Copyright (c) myLittleAstrology

The 18/19th of October 2013 brings a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Aries opposing the Sun in Libra. The ruler of this Full Moon is Mars, the planet of action and aggression. I saw that many people are wondering about it and decided to write an article. Well, this marks a beginning of Aries/Libra eclipses that will be with us till 2016, approximately 3 years from now. Aries is about “me” and Libra is about “us”, so the main focus will be independence and relationship.

As April Elliott Kent puts this into words that I loved: <<It’s not just about giving to others, but about letting them give to us as well.>>

I have been saying this in my other posts, the general rule of thumb avoid making decisions on a Lunar Eclipse. The main reason is you will not have all the information at hand, especially when soon Mercury, the planet of communication will turn retrograde in the sign of Scorpio (hidden meanings). So, open your eyes and search underneath the surface!


You are experiencing a heavy period and with this eclipse things are going to change big time for you! You have got to be prepared for it! As I was telling you, things are going to transform for you in a very personal way, the way you act, your physical appearance, your wishes and desires. You must find balance and just expect change to take over. This is a major lift of the spirit; you must learn to give and to appreciate real friendship, to offer and to receive. You are the first of the zodiac and that means power, leadership. Mars, your ruling planet will be in the work sector and that will give you a lot to do these days. Mars will be transiting this sector of your life till the 7th of December, so a busy month ahead of November 2013. Just remember Mercury will go retrograde in Scorpio from October 21 to November 10. Do not sign contracts, make a deal, and take extra care at financial initiatives that involve shared resources.


The eclipse marks a starting point on your health – you can start workout regimes, you can be aware of some illness that you now have to treat, make an appointment to the doctor, eat healthy and exercise; stay free with your spirit and you will benefit from these eclipses in Aries/ Libra. On October18/19 you should just open your eyes as something will be reveled or you can find very valuable information that was just under your eye. From Mars you got a lot of work to do, but still later Mars will be transiting the love life your life till the 7th of December and that means sex and happiness, childhood and easiness. Just remember Mercury, the planet of communication and deals will go retrograde in Scorpio from October 21 to November 10. Do not sign contracts and take care of your partner. You started thinking about buying a house in August 2013, but please be patient as it is not a good time to sign anything. Just search for it and wait for the perfect time. That will be in December 2013 and January 2014.


The eclipse marks a starting point of change and new things in your circle of friends, relations and connections. You have beengemini through a period when these things went slow and now, just wait for it as things are going to change. You are going to invest more time in playing with your kids or with children that you love to take care of. It’s a time for pleasure and fun and connections and new ways for you to spend your free time. Mars, the warrior will be in your home sector and that will give you a lot to do these days. Mars will be transiting this sector of your life till the 7th of December. You will have a lot to do around the house and in a good way! Just remember Mercury, the planet of communication and deals will go retrograde in Scorpio from October 21 to November 10. Do not sign contracts or buy important items at this time as Mercury will hide things away. When Mercury will go direct, things will get back to normal. Try to be as diplomatic as you can in your work environment, with your colleagues as this is where Mercury strikes this time.


For you a marking point and a shift in your career is happening. This is the first eclipse in a series of Aries/Libra ones that will end in March 2016. Eclipses are here to generate change, to force you out of your comfort zone and to make you move forward. The eclipse on the 18/19 of October fell into your career sector and that is telling me that here things are about to take another shift. Note that for you Lunar Eclipses are very important because you are a Moon Child. You have to have your eyes open wide and consider adapting to change. Eclipses are stressful, but in the end they bring satisfaction. Note that they are connected, so what happens now it’s going to be related to the next eclipse on the 15th of April 2015. Mars, the planet of war is moving into your communication sector and that means a lot to talk about and a lot of action with words. Just remember Mercury, the planet of communication and deals will go retrograde in Scorpio from October 21 to November 10. Do not sign contracts or buy important items at this time as Mercury will hide things away.

Fog and colors
Copyright (c) myLittleAstrology


For you a starting point and a new light on the horizon regarding dreams, wishes, higher education, plans and learning is about to leotake place. This is the first eclipse in a series of Aries/Libra ones that will end in March 2016. Eclipses are here to generate change, to force you out of your comfort zone and to make you move forward. The eclipse on the 18/19 of October 2013 moves or changes your dreams or wishes on the long term. You will find a new international course or you are just thinking of applying to a PhD program. Opportunities will come your way and you just have to be prepared for them. Note that eclipses are connected, so what happens now it’s going to be related to the next eclipse on the 15th of April 2015. Mars, the planet of war and your sister sign had you all pampered as it was in your first house and that was energy and power by your side. Now, Mars moves into your second house of income where all the action will take place. You will be spending a lot of money on presents, on school; but be careful as remember Mercury, the planet of communication and deals will go retrograde in Scorpio from October 21 to November 10. Do not sign contracts or buy important items at this time as Mercury will hide things away.


virgoFor you a marking point is about to happen in the money sector; money that comes from another source than your income or in astrology terms shared resources. Eclipses are here to generate change, to force you out of your comfort zone and to make you move forward. This is the first eclipse in a series of Aries/Libra ones that will end in March 2016. The eclipse on the 18/19 of October 2013 will bring change to your lover’s money or just a new sign from your parents sending you more money. As I see it, your money status will change or the better and that will take little effort from your side. Note that eclipses are connected, so what happens now it’s going to be related to the next eclipse on the 15th of April 2015. Mars, the planet of war just entered your sign – that is very good news! Mars will bring work, project, action, power and a lot of force to handle it all. Remember Mercury, the planet of communication and deals will go retrograde in Scorpio from October 21 to November 10. Do not sign contracts or buy important items at this time as Mercury will hide things away.


For you, my dear, a very prolific time has just ended as the Sun will soon leave your sign. As the eclipse goes, this one is in your opposite Librasign: Aries! That means it’s all about the others and relationships. It is something that you are good at as this is your field of action. Eclipses are here to generate change, to force you out of your comfort zone and to make you move forward. This is the first eclipse in a series of Aries/Libra ones that will end in March 2016. The eclipse on the 18/19 October 2013 brings you closer to your relations and your health. Open your eyes as this is an event that is going to tell you something .Note that eclipses are connected, so what happens now it’s going to be related to the next eclipse on the 15th of April 2015. Mars, the planet of war goes into your enemies sector and this is not a good placement as things are happening behind the curtains for you and it’s not the way you like things. Remember Mercury, the planet of communication and deals will go retrograde in Scorpio from October 21 to November 10. Do not sign contracts or buy important items at this time as Mercury will hide important things away.


scorpioFor you the eclipse marks a starting point on the work field: relationships, assignments, small projects and daily routine. Everything here is about to change. Eclipses are here to generate change, to force you out of your comfort zone and to make you move forward. This is the first eclipse in a series of Aries/Libra ones that will end in March 2016. The eclipse on the 18/19 October 2013 will find you very busy at work and it is going to reveal to you something extremely important. Stay tuned as another big event is soon to come on the 3rd of November and this one is a Solar Eclipse in your first house. Mars is going to highlight connections and friends that help in some way with work. This means you will need to work differently, in a more team work spirit. Remember Mercury, the planet of communication and deals will go retrograde in Scorpio from October 21 to November 10. Do not sign contracts or buy important items at this time as Mercury will hide important things away.

River and colors
Copyright (c) myLittleAstrology


To you it’s all about children and happiness as the lunar eclipse will mark something important, as a child birth or just an important event Sagittariusrelated to your children if you already have them.  Eclipses are here to generate change, to force you out of your comfort zone and to make you move forward. This is the first eclipse in a series of Aries/Libra ones that will end in March 2016. The eclipse on the 18/19 October 2013 is going to be a ride for you and you will love it. It’s going to take you by surprise no matter how you put it. It can also be about a new love that is on the way and you feel more connected to it. Note that eclipses are connected, so what happens now it’s going to be related to the next eclipse on the 15th of April 2015. Now, Mars the planet of war and action is travelling through your career sector and I think this is a good sign as a lot of energy will be here. Try to think things over as Mars is opposing Neptune as you are a little over your head with the next plan. Remember Mercury, the planet of communication and deals will go retrograde in Scorpio from October 21 to November 10. Do not sign contracts or buy important items at this time as Mercury will hide important things away.


caprkornFor you the eclipse is a marking point in your home and environment. Things have been changing for you here or they have to change from the outside. You need a bigger house, a larger place to stay for various reasons or just the dream house is ready to take shape. It’s not going to be such an easy task as this is a first from a series of eclipses. Eclipses are here to generate change, to force you out of your comfort zone and to make you move forward. This is the first eclipse in a series of Aries/Libra ones that will end in March 2016. The eclipse on the 18/19 October 2013 is a good one and it sets a line to follow. It is true than when it comes to family, you need to make some decisions soon. Mars, the planet of war and action is now going to make you want bigger things, learn more and go to an international career.  Remember Mercury, the planet of communication and deals will go retrograde in Scorpio from October 21 to November 10. Do not sign contracts or buy important items at this time as Mercury will hide important things away.


For us the communication area and travel is going to be highlighted from now on. You are going to find yourself on the road again aquariussomehow. We are fond of travelling, especially light travelling, so this is going to be a good thing. Remember that this is short travel. Eclipses are here to generate change, to force you out of your comfort zone and to make you move forward. This is the first eclipse in a series of Aries/Libra ones that will end in March 2016. The eclipse on the 18/19 October 2013 will mark this starting point on the communication sector and your life long dreams, higher education and plans for the future. You will think about an international career or just have some degrees that are recognized. Try to be true to yourself as things are going to change here. Mars is going to highlight the money sector, so you are going to give and receive a lot of money as October is ending. Do not sign contracts or buy important items at this time as Mercury will hide important things away. Remember Mercury, the planet of communication and deals will go retrograde in Scorpio from October 21 to November 10.


piscesFor you, there is something about the money you receive. It’s been on your mind for some time now and with this eclipse things are going to change. Eclipses are here to generate change, to force you out of your comfort zone and to make you move forward. This is the first eclipse in a series of Aries/Libra ones that will end in March 2016. The eclipse on the 18/19 October 2013 will make you feel that you deserve more money than you receive or you just want to earn more money and seeking ways to do that. Something financial is about to come to a conclusion. A career shift or something that you have been working at is trying to come up and see the light. For example, if you are working on a book, it will be very soon and it will go to print. On the money sector, you also have to invest if you want to earn more. So, keep up the good work and pay attention to eclipses. Mars, the action planet is going to highlight the partnership sector; so some contracts signing or just some good connections are happening now.  Remember Mercury, the planet of communication and deals will go retrograde in Scorpio from October 21 to November 10. Do not sign contracts or buy important items at this time as Mercury will hide important things away.

Copyright (c) myLittleAstrology

All the pictures in this post are my own and they are taken on October 2013 in Sibiu, Romania. Hope you like them.

Lunar Eclipse in Aries: me versus us
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