The Moon in astrology is the EI (Emotional Intelligence, the success factor according to Daniel Goleman). The Moon symbolizes mind, consciousness on the whole and our ability to perceive senses in various meanings of this word. The main task of the Moon is taking care of your soul.The New Moon is all about new beginnings and about you starting on new paths. The New Moon is introspective and reflective. The Full Moon is a full burst of energy from the sky. It’s open, public and fertile. We have emotional energy to change, but please be careful as the Full Moon is the time when we are especially fervent and impulsive.

Full Moon: October 29th 2012 – influences 5 more days to come.

Aries October Full MoonAries – Full Moon in Taurus will affect you on money level; your income and salary, payment; if someone owes you money you will get paid at this time of the month. Checks or a raise are very possible now as the Full Moon opens the path. This Full Moon is opposed to Saturn and that means that what you get now is important, but not as satisfying. You may find yourself in a new position at work, but the money won’t cover the position. Be patient, because this is Saturn teaching us the lesson I was talking about in my previous posts.

Taurus October Full MoonTaurus – Dear Taurus, this is your Full Moon. Take very much pride in it. You are looking for attention now and it’s your needs that you put first. And you should! As this Full Moon opposes Saturn you must be careful with your health. But as the saying goes, Taurus are very healthy people. This time you will feel the heavy responsibility in your life. What you need to be aware of is that you have closed a chapter now, a very important one; one that you will remember forever. You have done a lot of paper work for this big thing that was happening and now it’s real and good to go.

Gemini Full Moon OctoberGemini – This Full Moon in Taurus will be a rather hard one, aggressive and will require hard work from you. Be careful not to overwhelm yourself with what you need to do. You are probably working on a project that needs an ending. Also, be careful at your health as the Full Moon will oppose Saturn. Try to balance your life in a way, but also stay focused at the big project that needs your full attention. You may find some secrets along the way and they will probably make your life harder.

Cancer Full Moon OctoberCancer – This Full Moon in Taurus will bring a lovely event in your life. This is a social one that gives you much pleasure and enjoyment. Try not to miss this, as Saturn will oppose this Full Moon and that means that an obligation is calling at the exact time of the event. I hope you know the song When LoveComes To Town” as it fits the moment. At this event you can meet someone new and that will be an important element in your overall happiness. You will have many friends around and agreeable time all over. Enjoy this Full Moon as it’s a great one!

Leo Full Moon OctoberLeo– This Full Moon in Taurus will be a great benefit to your career, dear Leo. Pluto will be there in harmony with the Full Moon and that will make you chief of the class. Something very exciting is happening on the career front. Try to take advantage of this powerful energy. You are called to perform, to be visible and to advance. An event occurs now that will make you show your responsible side. Saturn is there too and that means that it’s not going to be easy to take the new responsibility or the new role. The advice is that you can try it and see how you can joggle with your career and your family life.

Virgo Full Moon OctoberVirgo – This Full Moon comes after a very busy month, dear Virgo. It’s a great aspect for you to go on a trip for a few days. This trip may be a pleasure one or just your usual business. Take into account that Saturn is very close now and that makes it harder to sign if you want a business contract. Saturn will just make it harder to achieve your goal. If you do sign this contract or business deal that you have, be sure that this is a very good one because it will be closed and ready to fulfill its terms 3 years to come. It is also possible that you are studying for an important exam and this Full Moon will bring concentration and good omen.  

October’s Full Moon (1)

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