Solar Eclipse

August 2017 was the most important month of the year 2017 from an astrological point of view. It has 2 major eclipses in Aquarius and Leo, grand fire trines that are being activated and Mercury Retrograde all at once. This also means it is very hard to interpret and to understand what the hell is going on for all of us and how in the world we are going to survive this. I am here to show a small path and bring some light along with me to guide you and myself through the darkness of the eclipse season, especially the New Solar Eclipse in Leo.

The reality is we are all on this transformation path and some of us feel this in a very strong way as Aquarius, Leos, Sagittarius and Libra and some are just sensing small vibes of the new establishment. Some of us will be taken by storm and some will hide in a cave and some of us will help others. No matter where you feel you are, please be aware that the vibe is strong and it can swipe you off the ground. I have prepared scopes for each sign and please do not consider these for the month of August. Eclipses are the most powerful event in astrology and these influence our lives for a long period of time and one of the strongest Eclipse that I have seen is happening in the sign of Leo, on August 21st.

Aries – Oh, love life

While the lunar eclipse in Aquarius right of the start of this month brought a culmination of some sort, the New Moon that marks a Solar Eclipse in the sign of king Leo, brings a new start. This eclipse will light your love life, your children and the way you express your creativity. The theme of the eclipse is letting go of the past and embrace new ways, new relationships. You are going to look more carefully at what you create and how you enjoy yourself and even how you search for a new love. Saturn gives longevity, Mars gives power and Uranus points to unexpected things. All of these planets create a grand fire Trine that marks a very strong and positive vibe related to this eclipse and new moon. If you are searching for a new love, this month and the months to come are excellent times for finding exactly what you have been desiring for a very long time. Eclipses are tied to changing circumstances, so there is something changing now that can open a path to a new you and this new you will receive the love from out there.  Also, a new baby or a new focus towards your baby: he is starting school or any new chapter and you need to be close by his or her side. Anything you start now has a very strong foundation and can lead you to things you never imagined. You can also find new opportunities to open up to new creative ways of expressing yourself and this can lead to a new business. The lesson you need to learn is one of true self confidence and to believe in yourself.

Taurus – Oh, Comfort

The Solar Eclipse in Leo marks a new start mainly related to your home, there are things related to foundation issues, parents that keep you focused or just open a new path. It is probably the moment when you finally decide to let go of your family and start building a new life for yourself, or it is just that moment when you separate and try a new city, a new place to stay. This has a lot to do with your sense of comfort and security and as you are a person that marks these as the most important things, you will need to open your eyes and understand what you need. For sure, you need something better and you want to have more money to spend on your home, your living space or just to be more comfortable with what you have. As Saturn and the Sun together with Uranus create this golden triangle in the sky, things can get better in terms of finance or you can get a certain pay from your family or from the bank. It is a good time for a home loan in the next 6 months and I think you will have the money to go for it. Eclipses are tied to changing circumstances, so there is something different now that can open a path to a new YOU. This new person needs to feel more secure and let go of something from the past that did not make you feel this way. Timing is everything in astrology, so this is an extremely great time to start something new that creates the comfort you need.

Gemini – Oh, the news, the contracts!

The new moon solar eclipse in Leo will be very significant and will have an impact for about 6 months. Things started now will see light and fruition somewhere in February 2018. For you Gemini it opens a way for new contracts, meeting new people through different meetings and social events and creating this amazing network that you need to succeed. Don t miss out important events and be a butterfly as you always are and will be. Any public relation work is factorized and people will just want to be by your side and want to know you and what kind of services you are selling. By now, you probably love your job and you know the most important part of it is keeping a lot of people on the agenda and in your radar. All of this activity will turn into contracts, new clients, bids, offers, requests for proposals and many business ventures that you can identify and make things happen. But please remember that Mercury is retrograde from the 12th of August until the 5th of September, so hold on until you start putting your name on all contracts. Any new thing that comes now will be extremely solid and build with a very strong foundation as Saturn will turn direct in Sagittarius after the 25th of August. Also, Uranus is closely involved in this new moon so special, unique, unforeseen news will come up early in September or until February of 2018.

Cancer – Oh, money!

Eclipses are known to open new paths, create a moment of darkness when the unconscious can speak to you like never before and that is why it an extremely intense time. You are very tuned to the universe, to the energies and the light and that is why I am mentioning this. For you dear Cancer, this comes up as a surprise as it hits your self value, self appreciation, self awareness. It is a very good time to know your strengths and your weaknesses and show them as true as you can to the world. Not the time to hide away in your usual shell. It can also mean a new source of income for you and one you have never expected. Uranus and Sagittarius are here and in perfect angle to the New Moon Solar Eclipse and that means that whatever starts now, any new opportunity that you see now is strong and it may come as a surprise. This will add to your sense of security and you love that. Or you will just think about some of your gifts and abilities and think about a very new and innovative way (Uranus) to make money. It’s not related to your job or career, it’s probably just a hobby that now can offer you a special source of income. Take care of signing any contracts or any kind of paper as Mercury is retrograde and will remain retrograde until the 5th of September. After that, please get the party going and find new ways to win clients and make some money.

Leo – Oh, my!

The New Solar Eclipse is dedicated to you! It falls in your solar first house and so it is all about the way you feel, your future, your image, the way you look and of course, the way you feel. This eclipse is extremely powerful and comes with a Fire Grand Trine that will lit up a new path, a new opportunity in your life. There is an unexpected break, situation that will turn your life upside down. As this is directed to you, there will be a sentimental time, very intense and powerful. But the only consequence is that you are changing and there is a lot of pressure revolving this change. There is a growth path, a new path and if you are not going to feel it now, you will for sure in the next 6 to 18 months until all the eclipses involving Leo and Aquarius are over and they have completed their scope. Jupiter is going to add joy and hope to this eclipse and Saturn will add longevity and a good foundation for whatever your changing now. A good time to set new goals for you and for what you want to achieve and you are going to wake up dealing with new situations that you have not thought about before. The universe is asking for a new approach, a new way, a new type of commitment from your part. Some of you are going to get married during this time or find the love of your life and this marriage needs a lot of adjustment and brings a lot of joy and laughter. Some of you are going to let go of someone who was very significant at one time in your life and in this way, you will make way for somebody new and better.

Virgo – Oh, the secrets!

The New Solar Eclipse will have an influence of 6 months from now on, so read carefully and be very open to anything new that is happening at the end of August and the start of September 2017. The Solar Eclipse is tacking place in Leo, the king and for you it is a very sensitive time. There is something hiding beneath the surface and you need to be aware of everything to be able to progress. Eclipses are tied to changing circumstances or we are more drawn to change at this time and for it is has to do with a confidential matter or project or a very big secret that you need to keep. Or some people are hiding things from you and the eclipse will just accentuate this secrecy. It is going to be quite hard to keep all this under and not reveal as remember Leo loves show offs. It is also very important to keep an extra eye on your health, sleeping pattern, number of hours that you put in for work and how you manage to relax your mind, your spirit. You will be highly judgmental at this time and you need a healer by your side if you want to be well by your birthday. The Sun will enter Virgo and soon it is your birthday, but there are still a lot of problems that you need to take care off. Try to work alone and things will get done.

Libra – Oh, the change agent!

It comes a time for everyone to change almost everything in your life. Now, for you dear Libra, this is the time. You may be changing jobs, move to another city, have or adopt a baby, get married or take a new leadership role that will change your life and the life of everybody around you. Schedules and priorities rapidly change as new information reaches you especially at the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Leo. The main theme for these eclipses is change for yourself and that will improve your life. Eclipses are tied to new circumstances that you didn’t consider before and you need a new approach yourself to deal with it. Uranus is here so expect the unexpected! Jupiter is in Libra and that makes this time extremely lucky and powerful for you. You will learn that life can be full of surprises and it can teach you to have fun and be happy. You will also spread enthusiasm, happiness an good vibes around you. That is why you can make new friends now, you can meet a very important person that can become your lover, you can change jobs and kill at the interview just because you are so full of life and people will want to follow. There is a light and that light is you and it seems you can change the world if you want to. Keep the good vibe!

Scorpio – Oh, my career!

The Eclipse on the 21st of August 2017 is a major astrological event and for most of us it can be life changing! Eclipses and especially Solar Eclipses are potent illuminations, so they open a path to a new way, a new door that you never thought it could be possible. We are also dealing with a new MOON in Leo and for all us it is about a new beginning and all that starts now is blessed with a strong foundation and wind in your sails. For you, dear Scorpio, it is all about career and making a name for yourself in this world. You attract new changes in this area of your life and even if it is quite disturbing and it is not what you were thinking or expecting, this is happening and it is big news. At this time, in the sky you can find a very special Fire Grand Trine that is especially positive and brings a lot of good development for you. Mars and the Sun and New Moon, they are all in your career house and mark this as extremely active, Uranus is in Aries, in your day to day work house and finally Saturn is in your money sector. As you can imagine, all of these planets are supporting you for a bigger role, with more money to come and with a change in your day to day work. But this comes with a price, and the price is simple – you need to take some chances as Uranus loves risk and adventure. IF you are willing to change things, the heaven will prove that it can offer incredible gifts. You will be very happy if you take this decision and you will fly away on a bigger boat to conquer new lands.

Sagittarius – Oh, it is international for you!

As you probably know, a very powerful solar eclipse hit the Earth on the 21st of August! It took place in Leo and it affected everyone more or less depending on each and everyone’s chart. It was an extremely positive one and it was meant to shake things up from rock bottom. For you, it opens a path of international business or leisure travel. It is time when you attract change in a few different ways and you want things to be different. You want to leave what you are doing now and go out in the world, you either leave to study in a different place, you take a new job in a new company and you need to start travelling or you are just about to start a period when going away for the weekend will not do anymore. You want more from life and you want to go outside and meet people. It is what you are meant to do and this Grand Fire Trine in the sky now is supporting you to do just that. Uranus is in Aries, Saturn is in your sign, Mars and the Sun and the New Moon are in Leo and that means this energy is going towards Fire, creative energy and for you international travel. It is also possible that you are not able to just leave your house as you have multiple responsibilities and if this is the case, I recommend for you to start a new project at home and in this project try to contact foreign clients and you will have luck by your side with this. Any decision made now and and new plan that you put on paper will be very successful and will soon gain visibility and you will have a lot to enjoy. As long as foreign affairs are on the to do list.

Capricorn – Oh, money, money!

The Solar Eclipse in Leo on the 21st of August 2017 marks a very transformational time for all of us around the world. An eclipse is a potent lunation and they often bring a radical or significant event that is life-changing. This one is the most powerful Eclipse of the year 2017 and it has positive vibes supported by a Grand Fire Trine. Saturn is in Sagittarius giving lasting foundation to this change, Uranus is in Aries bringing unexpected events and new things that change perspective and the Sun, Mars and the New Moon all in Leo. For you, it is related to lifestyle changes related to money management and motivation to try to find new ways to earn more money or just to spend them in a different way. You can also think about changing where you live or how you live and for this, you will need funds and if you are thinking at going to the bank, this is a very good time. Try to have a plan in mind or you already have a plan in mind and now you just need to put things in order to move to the next step. It can also mean you have a special decision to make related to your partner’s money or money coming from any of your relatives. As we are talking about a new moon here, if you craft the plan now, this can come to fruition later in the year and you can finally buy the new house you want. Take really good care of your money and your plans as things evolve fast and Mercury is Retrograde and this is not a very good time to sign papers or buy something big.

Aquarius – Oh, my love life!

As I write this, I too made some wild decisions in my life and in my love life. And yes, they were at the time of the Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius and all the way to the Solar New Moon Eclipse in Leo. As many of my readers know, I am Aquarius and I live and breath astrology. And I am not sure if it was planned or not. I will have an entire article about this that I hope you will enjoy. Now, Aquarius are actually going through a very difficult phase as it related to profound transformation, radical decisions, new territories to conquer and understand, all together you guys are changing your lives in ways you could have not imagined. And yes, it is also related to your love life and yes, if you are single this is the time to go out and find somebody and start a new relationship. Any new relationship started now is going to be extremely happy and lasting. I know 3 couples (one of them Aquarius) that got married on the 21st of August and this is the best of times to do that. Don’t be fooled about this positive outcome, it can also mean you can get separated from someone you love or a partnership that is not good for you will end as the Eclipse must clear the way for a better half to come into your life. Eclipses tend to clean the road, have everything in its place for a different new start, and this can also mean that it can turn your life up side down. But you need to trust the process, have faith, build brick by brick a new path for yourself and do not put additional pressure on you. All things happen for a reason and that particular reason is not going to be revealed now. It will come later when you are fully prepared to take on this new role in your life. And in the process, I recommend to love yourself all the way with all your heart.

Pisces – Oh, my work habits!

I am here to talk to you about the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Leo that took place on the 21st of August 2017. Any eclipse is tied to changing circumstances and this time these are really important as this is a very positive eclipse. For you, it is related to your work habits and also it can mean improving health or just changing something that will lead to better health. But first, let’s talk about work habits and new projects coming your way. They can be overwhelming and some of them you did not see it coming. We have no way to predict what will happen as Uranus in the last degrees of Aries is shining through and feeling extremely powerful in its retrograde mode. These new projects that you must absorb and you must fulfill are eating a lot of your time and you must be ready to take it all in. That means that you need to change the way you work or how you work. These changes will lead you to a new kind of life and you may start a new business of your own and focus on that or just find a way to give your multiple projects to other people that can help you with all the workload that you are now receiving. All these are positive changes and will through you in a new stage of your life where you will look at work in a very different way. Be selective or just think about other people who can help.

Thank you for reading and I appreciate if you share this to anyone interested in astrology! I hope you enjoy this powerful season!

Solar Eclipse in Leo – If you want to shine like a sun, first burn like a sun

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