The Sun, Mercury and Mars are now all in Aquarius. You can read here about this transit and about how long will this last. You can read below about how this will influence you, if you have a Sun Sign in Taurus, Gemini, Cancer.
Taurus – it’s all about career for you this time. The Sun illuminates your path in the world, your reputation and the way you show yourself to the public. You will be in the lime light and you will have to be aware of it. All the light from your boss will be on you. Work hard, create good relations and show that you deserve all the credit that you are given. This is the time when you are more interested in, and focused on, accomplishing something important. Your vision is practical now, and you want to see tangible results. More contact with authority figures is likely during this period. Mercury, the messenger and the communicator illuminates your career path too. You are likely thinking a lot about your career or your career requires more communication than usual during this cycle. Try to do your best because this is the time of the year when you have to take care of what you speak and who you speak with. This is an excellent period for professional plans or strategies. You may be turned to for advice or for your opinion on important matters. Try to prepare yourself for competition at work as Mars is also in your career sector. You need to accomplish everything on your own, but do remember that team is everything in today’s environment. You are self-motivated and enthusiastic about plans and about your profession. Also Mars can create a war, so beware of fights at the office.
Gemini – it’s all about higher learning and dreams for you. The Sun illuminates learning and the higher meaning of your life. You need to go beyond the mundane details of day-to-day life. This is a perfect time for an adventure of some sort, go on a vacation or take a course that can expand your mind. Mercury is also joining the Sun and he is in Aquarius, the fellow air sign. Aquarius is one of the very best places for Mars to be for you, so you may work on international projects this month and your relationship with foreign people should proceed smoothly. This time is full of new ideas and full of dreams that must be accomplished. Also, you may travel abroad and the travel can bring much joy and fulfillment. Your inclination during this cycle is to think about the “big picture” rather than the mundane circumstances and details of your life. You need to have a broader view and to give advice to others. Mars is also in Aquarius and you are now strong and bold in your beliefs and convictions as well, and others tend to naturally follow your lead. Mars is the planet of war, so be careful not starting a fight that relates to your strong convictions.
Cancer – intimacy and other’s money is the key point at this time. The Sun helps you create a budget or a financial plan, or to get rid of bad habits that undermine your sense of personal power. You will love to do it as you love this house of other’s money and intimate relations. It fits you very well. The way you handle your life will be another subject that comes to light. You feel you need to change something inside you and you probably will. You have a good year as Jupiter is in your house of the past till June and after that, it’s going to be all brand new and successful. Fingers crossed for that. This cycle brings greater in-depth understanding and an inclination to reveal the surface of matters to get to the bottom of them. You will need to understand a lot and Mercury is on your side as this little planet makes you intuitive. This is a great time to open up conversations about topics that normally might cause waves, such as those revolving around intimacy and finances. Mars is also in Aquarius and that means we are not in a war zone. Things are calm and nothing active on the horizon. With this placement you will be very active sexually. Enjoy!