capricorn_2016into2017This post is dedicated to all of you out there with the Sun Sign in Capricorn and with Capricorn Rising! Capricorn is a very strong sign! Capricorn equals ambition and focus and achieving goals. Capricorn loves a challenge, loves to score and loves to be on top of any kind of situation. It’s typically hard for me, as an Aquarius to get along with a Capricorn, but when I do, it’s kind of magic happening as we learn a lot from each other. I recently met an incredible friend with this Sun Sign and it’s heartbreaking of how well we interact!

Capricorn is very structured, they make things happen with ease and determination. They love security and structure and they can move mountains if that’s the tasks. They love business and work and they are fond of climbing the ladder of success. If you have a Capricorn in your life, you know what I am talking about. I am going to shed some astrological light on the upcoming months of 2016 and beyond. 2016 was an interesting year, but it didn’t have much excitement as we had Mars, the planet of action retrograded a big period of time. This caused us to stop, rethink, plan again, consider alternatives, examine things more carefully. It was not an action year! Decisions were made at a very slow pace and a lot of rethinking was done.

The last 4 months of the year 2016 are the most intense of all year and we will have a lot of struggle and a lot of focus is needed. Intense because we have 2 very important eclipses and these urges us to change some things in our lives. The eclipse season is here and for Capricorns, the 2 very strong eclipses are in the communication and belief sector. These eclipses have 2 important negative aspects associated with them: an opposition with Neptune and a square to Saturn. Neptune can bring confusion in your life and Saturn is craving for more structure and a more organized self. With these aspects we can expect some laziness. Keep in mind that “Slow and steady wins the race” with Saturn involved. You love that! This fits you perfectly and you like to take things slow as long as you win the race.

These eclipse will send energy for about 6 months from September 2016 until February 2016, so this is where I will focus on this post. The first Solar Eclipse was in Virgo, on the 1st of September 2016, and this one had a focus on your belief system, higher learning and your values. You are faced with some turning points regarding what you believe in and what you want to achieve in life. You need to change how you imagine yourself and how you perceive others.  Virgo is your sister sign and you are both Earth signs with a lot of attention on the practical side of life. You will think about the future more than you usually do and you will answer some questions about your life path. The thing is that what you imagined until now is disappearing and here comes a new way of life, of thinking and here comes a higher objective. The second eclipse was in Pisces, was a Lunar Eclipse, on the 16th of September 2016, and it encouraged you to communicate all your new thoughts out loud.

What Capricorns should do to use this energy in a positive way:

  1. Self-discovery

As the Solar Eclipse was in Virgo and for a year now you had Jupiter in Virgo also, the focus for you was to know yourself and understand yourself. This is pretty hard for you born with the Sun Sign in Capricorn because you are practical people and don’t actually believe in the emotional pattern of the inner power. You usually go and change things yourself and you don’t need an energy flow to do that. But at this time, you will feel that same old patterns of thinking is not working anymore and what you used to believe is not the way for the future. I am just thinking now – you probably believed that you are going to be a dreamer and a writer, but the fact is you are better off focusing on your career. Jupiter in Virgo created a preparation year for you in terms of career. Just to give you an idea, the transit happened from August 11, 2015 until September 9, 2016. This transit ended with this powerful Solar Eclipse in Virgo and that means change and for you it means abrupt change in thinking patters and change of focus.

  1. Set new goals for yourself

With Jupiter in Virgo and this strong eclipse in Virgo in September 2016, you needed to set new goals for yourself. Take a look at what is working now for you and what makes you feel good. Understand where you stand now in terms of relationships and your inner thoughts. You are looking towards a new life for yourself and this is a good time to set these new goals.

  1. Communicate what you think

With the energy created by the Pisces Lunar Eclipse, on the 16th of September 2016, it is very well to communicate what you discover about yourself. People around you will be in shock for a while as they are used to the old you. The change has happened and you became a different person, with more focus on your wishes and your desires, with more of what YOU need and less about what OTHERs need. Care to share your thoughts with all of us? This will be a very good time to do that. Friends will support this and others will just leave.

Thank you for reading and please share my post if you like it!

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