SagittariusSagittarius, welcome to your astrology forecast for the year 2017!

A year of travel, of love, of creativity in your business and play. The year is marked by the happiness of having to spend more time with your children and be surrounded by them. You can also travel and enjoy connecting with foreign people!

Start of the year 2017

The year 2017 starts with a slow flow with Mercury being retrograde in the sign of Capricorn and that means things are not very clear where you are spending and spending. Chances are you needed to buy more things at the start of this year and that is why you needed to be careful. This is typically a manifestation of Mercury being in reverse, but things will be better as soon as he goes direct. This happens on the 8th of Jan 2017. We have an extremely good time from the 8th of Jan 2017 till the 6th of Feb when all planets are direct! Time to write down new year’s resolutions, put them on paper, draft a plan, connect to any stakeholders that can help with the implementation and start acting on the plan as soon as you can. The things you do and think now will impact the year ahead as this is the time to plant the seed. Please write things down and remember that you have big plans for you and your family and your business. I will tell you much more later down in the post! Both Mars and Venus will be in your sister sign Aries in the first days of January and this is excellent news. It is great time to have a baby or to be very close to somebody who has a child.

This is a quote that I think will have a great impact on Sagittarius in 2017: “It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.” (Frederick Douglass)

The Big Picture

For you, it is the last year when Saturn, the planet of working hard and transformation is going to be in your sign. With this placement, you felt a lot of pressure on you and on what you needed to do. At the end of the placement, you will feel transformed and you know that you are much wiser than you used to be. The really good news about this new year’s adventure is all about the trine that Saturn in Sagittarius is making with Uranus in Aries. This is a positive Fire energy that will actually be dominant during all year 2017. This Fire element is exactly what you need to feel good and to put much more into action. It started on the 24th of December 2016, so think about this date in particular and it will go on with impact in the month of May and the month of November. It is a very good time to create, have ideas and I mean business ideas and try to think about as many as you can. The focus will be to add design, creativity, sparkle to any kind of business you have. If you can have a business that helps or that is connected to children in any way, the energy will be stronger. This is a year when a lot of crazy ideas are popping up and these are ideas can shift many things for you. Not all of them will survive, but be sure that in 2018, when the energy is going to shift to calm, practical, steady, you will know which creative idea is worth investing in.

Communication and Travel

Eclipses this year are changing signs and are going to hit Leo and Aquarius. For you, the energy is shifting towards a travel, big dreams, expanding your business to the world with more creative ideas, selling more, being more active in your social world. You will be transformed by where you travel and by the people you meet in these long distance trips you are taking this year. You want more from yourself and you are ready to go the extra mile. You can forget about your job and start something new that involves higher education, going abroad to study and anything that can expand your world view. The first feel of this energy will be in February 2017, where you have a great month with the first Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo. Plan a trip or just connect with more foreign people online. As I have mentioned in one of my post, this is the Year of Compatibility and you need to make the most of it through meeting new people that help you achieve what you want. The second month full of positive energy will be August 2017 when a New Moon Solar Eclipse is appearing in the sky. The support from the sky is phenomenal and it can develop into changes and great surprises. Things are connected and if you have children near you, the universe creates this power in you to be happy together with them. Uranus is still in Aries and this brings surprises and Jupiter will be in Libra. These planets support the eclipses, so the changes marked are well received. It is the year to expand your business through creative vibes and communicate and travel!

Stubborn Vibes of the Year 2017

March 4 to April 15 will be the time of the year when roadblocks can happen and when things can get delays, not go as planned, it is like heaven is playing tricks with your mind. All this energy goes into your creativity. Don’t try to create or to build new things in March or April of 2017 as they are crazy months of the year. Try to wait for the summer where everything turns out gracefully in order. The main reason for this hurdle is that Venus and Mercury will both be retrograde in Aries. This is not a good time to start a new relation and you have to keep your love life under control. Be as close to your lover as you can! This is a time when things should just stay still and no action is needed from you. Conflicts can start or can explode during this time. And I am talking about any type of conflicts.

Good Vibes of the Year 2017

Jupiter is in Libra from the 9th of September 2016 and will stay here until the 10th of October 2017. Jupiter feels extremely good in Libra and the joyful, crazy, lucky effect he has will show up. For Sagittarius, the flow is great as Libra and Sagittarius are very compatible. What Sagittarius should do to maximize the transit of Jupiter in Libra

Think about ideas for the future: Jupiter in Libra makes you think and see the great future you can prepare for yourself! You can set plans in motion and you can see that some of your ideas are good and cherished by the people that surround you and if you work in the movie industry, as you should, by the public. I say this, because the best career for a Sagittarius is to be a director. See a post that I wrote some time ago.

More contact with other people: Jupiter loves new people, loves going to conferences and travel abroad. This is very beneficial under Jupiter’s transit and you will feel blessed if you can ride, move, sail and fly to connect with other people. They can point you in new directions, show you things you do not see alone and help you achieve your full potential! Groups can help if you need anything crazy from the world or if there is something that you can do for groups!

Stay tuned on myLittleAstrology blog and Facebook Page for more insight and witty quotes!

Sagittarius – Year 2017

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