Scorpio 2017Scorpio, welcome to your astrology forecast for the year 2017!

The year 2017 is going to be a year of career, career, career! You can change and find a new great job for you and you continue to need to have more money and more resources to invest. A lot of responsibility will fall on you and the pressure will be high. You will feel lucky and protected.

Start of the year 2017

The year starts with Mercury, the planet of communication retrograde and that means things start very slowly and some of what we do at the start of the new year, you must redo later. You will not feel so good about this and your definitely not feel in your comfort zone. But as all of us know, you are the Phoenix bird of the Astrology Kingdom and you will survive. You start the year thinking about the way you should communicate and if the way you are doing things now is going to help you in the future. It is like you sense that the future needs and means change and a new venture. Mercury will enter Capricorn sign again on the 12th of January, so at this time you will see things in a clear light and you can now take some decisions. You are able to answer some questions from the 8th of Jan 2017 till the 6th of Feb when all planets are direct! This time of the year 2017 marks a good time to think about new year’s resolutions, put them on paper, draft a plan, connect to any stakeholders that can help with the implementation and start acting on the plan as soon as you can. Anything you do during this one month will impact the year ahead as this is the time to start anything new. Don’t wait until Spring as we are going to have a very challenging period during March and April. I invite you to read on to see what is happening.

The Big Picture

This is the last year of Saturn in the house of money you gain and that is going to be a great relief. Saturn is pushing you harder and harder to make more money and to make yourself more resourceful. It’s not an easy deal here and a lot of hard deadlines or hard tasks were created especially for you in the past 3 years. And it was all related to money in some way or another. This is the last year when Saturn will be here and you can be happy because of this change of aspect in the sky. The year will be dominated by Saturn in Sagittarius and Uranus in Aries that are marking a very positive point in the sky. The energy is Fire and it describes artistic creation, children, compatibility and opportunities. Scorpio is a Water Sign and you don’t like or appreciate Fire that much, because you like more profound things! For you this trine marks some changes related on how you make money. You are probably making more money than usual and you must find ways to spend or invest. With Uranus in Aries, some habits will change and from those habits you will be able to save more money. You will probably find another source of income or you can spend more money than usual. It is a good yea to find strategic ways to work with money.  Uranus will help you innovate the things you do daily and Saturn will help you put in practice everything that you want. The first trine happened in December 2016 and the next time these 2 planets meet in 2017: May 19 and Nov 11. As I said, the good connection in the sky is all year, but in May and November things get more intense and we should watch for clues.

Stubborn Vibes of the Year 2017

Venus, the karmic, crazy, lucky planet will be retrograde in March and April 2017 and that puts all of us in some uncomfortable situations. For Scorpio, the emphasis is on the daily habits or it can be about a health issue that will stop you for doing a lot of things. Try to take care of yourself as health can be an issue this year. You can spend time at a hospital and people need to take care of you. Or you just need to change your lifestyle and find ways to declutter your soul and body to find more balance. Mercury will also join Venus who will also retrograde and that means double trouble in April 2017 and May 2017. It is not a good time to change something abruptly, but it is a great time to understand what you need to keep in good health. Keep in mind that this is not good time to start something new or to travel.

Great Career Moves

Eclipses this year are very powerful and they make an impact on the Leo and Aquarius Sun Sign. Eclipses usually mark changes, endings or beginnings with powerful disrupt of the status – quo and for you, it’s about your career. You are thinking about a new job or to change your current position to achieve a higher one. You can also think about a new career abroad as Jupiter is in Libra and is very beneficial to move or live abroad for a period of time. It is a good time to change your job and to receive a higher paycheck or to start a new business that can make you earn more money. The 2 months that will change focus and that will mark this new career opportunity for you will be February and August. Both months are marked by powerful Eclipses and both have very good aspects in the sky. You are a known to be great when it comes to your career, so think about a business or a new company that can be very happy to have you. You must work very hard for this and you need to understand that effort will pay off.

This is a quote that I think will have a great impact on Scorpio in 2017: “If you want to achieve greatness, stop asking for permission.

Good Vibes of the Year 2017

Jupiter changed signs in 2016, on the 9th of September from Virgo to Libra bringing a lot of positive energy to all of us and for you it’s good charm and a shield from hidden enemies. It seems that this time around Jupiter in Libra and he is about connection and people, is creating a protecting layer from people that want to hurt you or from bad chance. A lot of people with this aspect in their natal chart feel they are lucky as bad things don’t happen to them, they are just having an extra lucky charm. This is mainly until Jupiter will move into your sign Scorpio on the 10th of Oct 2017. This will be extremely lucky and helpful, so expect a great end of the year. I will talk more about this shift of energy in October 2017. To use this energy at its full potential, try to:

Give back to society:  Libra is all about relationships and about society and how this works, that means it is a very good time to donate, work with some CSR projects if you have a company or you have money that can be allocated like this. It is a good time to give from your heart and to join forces with some NGOs to help people or causes around the world.

Thank you for reading and please share this for all Aquarius friends! Follow MyLittleAstrology for news!

Scorpio – Year 2017

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