Pisces, welcome to your astrology forecast for the year 2017!
The year 2017 is going to be a year of career, new mantras, your mind can be focused upon making more money and you will find opportunities for this. It is a good year to take care of yourself and your better half! Practice some YOGA or take a good vacation at the end of summer! You will love it!
Start of the year 2017
The year starts with Mercury being retrograde and that means things start slowly and some of what we do at this time of the new year must be redone later. You start the year thinking about your foals and about your future. Don’t take decisions just yet as Mercury can mislead you. Mercury will enter Capricorn sign again on the 12th of January, so at this time you will see things in a clear light and you can now take some decisions about your future and about what you really wish. You are able to answer all your questions in the giant window of opportunity from the 8th of Jan 2017 till the 6th of Feb when all planets are direct! This time of the year 2017 marks a good time to think about new year’s resolutions, put them on paper, draft a plan, connect to any friends that can help with the implementation and start acting on the plan as soon as you can. Anything you do during this period of time will have a great impact in 2017. Don’t wait until Spring as all signs will have a very challenging period during March and April. I invite you to read on to see what I mean.
The Big Picture
The Big Picture of this year for you as last year will be the career zone. In December 2016, we had some days that predicted the year 2017, the 24th of December 2016 and the 26th of December 2016. Saturn in Sagittarius (in your career house) and Uranus in Aries (money) are marking a very positive point in the sky that has influence all year long. The energy is Fire and it describes artistic creation, good vibes, compatibility and opportunities. You, Pisces, are a Water Sign and you don’t like Fire that much, because you like feelings more! You will have a lot of passion and Fire, but you will miss out deep things, emotions, healing and pure love! For Pisces, this trine marks some surprising opportunities about money that comes from the way you display and sell your work. Try to put yourself out there and sell your image, your products and your skills and knowledge. You may prepare to change your career and what you do for a living or you have already changed that. Saturn marks your career and as difficult as it seems, things will improve for you. Just have patience. Uranus will help you innovate the way you make money and Saturn will help you put in practice everything that you want. The first trine happened in December 2016 and the next time these 2 planets meet in 2017: May 19 and Nov 11. As I said, the good connection in the sky is all year, but in May and November things get more intense and we should watch for clues.
Stubborn Vibes of the Year 2017
Venus, the karmic, crazy, lucky planet will be retrograde in March and April 2017 and that puts all of us in some uncomfortable situations. For Pisces, the emphasis is on money and the fact that you know you need more or you find yourself in a situation where money is the issue. What I mean by that is you thing that if you had more money, you could do a lot more things than you are already doing. Don’t trick yourself with this mindset and try to be optimistic. Results will come after hard work and this is the only, what you want to do and how you want to share all your knowledge to the world. You are not feeling comfortable about the money you are making and you will dig deep inside yourself to find out new ways to improve your status and what you gain. Mercury will also join Venus who will also retrograde and that means double trouble in April 2017 and May 2017. It is not a good time to change something abruptly, but it is a great time to understand what you want from your resources and how much money you do want to make. Keep in mind that this is not good time to start something new, don’t go to the bank, do not try a loan and don’t give money to friends. Follow your instinct.
New Mantra
Eclipses this year are powerful and they make an impact on the Leo and Aquarius Sun Sign. They mark changes, endings or beginnings with powerful disrupt of the status – quo and for you, it’s in the power of habit. You need to think how to start a new way of leaving that will determine a better you. An workout regime or it’s time for you to practice some yoga and you will feel alive and new. It’s a very good time to quit any dirty habit that you have. It is a good time to find time for yourself and enjoy finding true ways to rejoice. The 2 months that are great of changing focus and that will mark this new mantra for you will be February and August. Both months are marked by powerful Eclipses and both have very good aspects in the sky. In February, we have the last New Moon SOLAR Eclipse in Pisces that will feel liberating and all the hard work of transformation you have been doing pays off.
This is a quote that I think will have a great impact on Pisces in 2017: ““You are a cosmic flower and chanting is the process of opening the psychic petals of that flower.” (Amit Ray)
Good Vibes of the Year 2017
Jupiter changed signs in 2016, on the 9th of September from Virgo to Libra bringing a lot of positive energy to all of us and for you it’s good luck on other people’s money. When Jupiter makes good aspects in the sky, you can make great financial deals. But the most important thing is that your wife will probably make a shift in her or his career and will gain more money. This happens mainly until Jupiter moves into Scorpio on the 10th of Oct 2017. I will talk more about this shift of energy in October 2017. To use this energy at its full potential, try to:
Try to make financial deals: Libra is all about business and relationship, that means it is a very good time to earn some money if you meet the right people and make some financial deals with them. It can just be a way to sell more of your products or your skills. It is just a good time to find people who are interested with you and sign some good contracts.
Support your better half: With this good energy coming from Libra, anything that we do now in our relationship is being recognized and supported! This is the time to improve your love life and to be more supportive of any new endeavor your husband or wife makes. Trust him or trust her and help revel a great potential to make more money! Or just support your better half at this new job that means more money for the family.
Thank you for reading and please share this for all Aquarius friends! Follow MyLittleAstrology for news!